The China-Italy Philanthropy Forum visit Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù

The President and Health Director of Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù (OPBG), Prof. Tiziano Onesti and Dr. Massimiliano Raponi, welcomed yesterday a delegation of the China-Italy Philanthropy Forum. The delegation, which had gathered in Rome for a High-Level Workshop on Collaborative Philanthropy at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, was headed by Prof. Romano Prodi and Mr. Lu Mai: “Our Forum promotes philanthropic cooperation across Europe and China and we are delighted that a Chinese philanthropist has made a significant donation to the Pope’s children hospital” said Romano Prodi.

The donation by Ms. Zhang Junting aims to support the hospital’s work with children coming from countries facing humanitarian crises, such as in the case of the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria. “A donation to the Bambino Gesù hospital is a donation to help the lives of these kids from many countries: so it is not really a donation to the hospital, but to the world”, said Dr. Fang Jin, co-General Secretary of the Forum. The OPBG has a long-running tradition of training foreign colleagues, including Chinese paediatric anaesthesiologists and cardiovascular surgeons. 

The President and the Secretary General of the Bambino Gesù Foundation, Dr. Mariella Enoc and Prof. Francesco Avallone, stressed the importance of mutual learning: “Knowledge needs to be shared and we are encouraged by the visit of senior Chinese and European philanthropists, scholars and managers from the China-Italy Philanthropy Forum: we hope today’s encounter is the first seed of a fruitful collaboration”.


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